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Install NowFrom the feedback received from schools, it is seen that some schools are treating Formative Tasks more as tests rather than tools for improving the teaching?learning process. Some guidelines are given below to help teachers implement Formative Assessment in its true spirit:
1. Formative Assessment should be used as an opportunity for the teacher to consult parents at least twice in each term, i.e., after each Formative Assessment so that the strengths and weaknesses of every student can be discussed and efforts are made to address the gaps in learning. In such meetings the student’s views should also be obtained so that it becomes a fruitful dialogue between the student, the teacher and the parent.
2. Every Formative Assessment must be followed by diagnosis of the difficulties faced by students. It means that Formative Assessment must be diagnostic in nature so that suitable remedial measures are taken to ensure improvement.
3. FA 1, FA 2, FA 3, and FA 4 should not be based on only one task. Every such assessment should make use of two or more tasks ensuring variety such as role play, practical work, presentations, projects, worksheets etc.
4. It is to be borne in mind that all the Formative Assessment tasks need not be meant for assessment. Some may be used purely for teaching and some for assessment.
5. If many tasks are used for any one formative assessment, the best grades obtained by a student may be taken for recording. It means that grades need not be given on the basis of identical tasks for all. It will help us cater to multiple intelligences besides enabling every student to tap her/ his strengths.
6. Formative Assessment should help us to make the teaching – learning process enjoyable for all students. So it is essential that we follow a child?friendly approach to assessment.
In a sense CCE can also be perceived as Child Centred Education because it lays emphasis on catering to multiple intelligence and individual talent. Another significant aspect of CCE in general and Formative Assessment in particular is that the teacher and the learner have to make use of the data generated by various tools and techniques that are employed in the classroom for improving the teaching-learning process.
The tasks which relate to projects and activities can be done in groups as in-class and school activities and not become an extension of work to be done by siblings or parents.
The Board has brought out Teachers’ Manuals on Formative Assessment in the subjects of Hindi, English, Science and Social Science for class IX which are available on CBSE website. These manuals are detailed and exhaustive documents focusing on formative aspects of learning and provide valuable guidance to the teachers in respective subjects.
The schools need to involve parents in the changes being made in terms of transaction of syllabus, conduct of Formative Assessment, conduct of Co-Scholastic Skills and maintaining records of marks and grades in case of Summative Assessment. It is also important that schools should not be charged with subjectivity while evaluating Co-Curricular skills. It is therefore advised that schools should arrange the evaluation of co curricular skills in such a way that more than one teacher is involved for assessing Life Skills, Co-Curricular Skills, Attitudes and Values.

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what eill be the marks for FA1,FA2,FA3,&fA4
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